Our Services


Drs. Reschak, Chmielewska and Hayes diagnose and manage diseases of the sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face, including ear, nose and throat (ENT) problems in both children and adults.

We offer on-site Audiological services including a full array of diagnostic hearing tests and hearing aids sales and service.


Cancer Treatment

Our specialists can help you with the early detection and treatment of cancer in the head and neck from skin cancer to tumors. Our Surgery Suite allows our physicians to do many types of biopsies right in the office, allowing you to get quicker answers, results and treatment.



Most people have experienced dizzy spells from normal movement or amusement park rides. This can be very frightening, when it occurs unexpectedly. There are three main systems that the body uses to identify its position (equilibrium) in space. The inner ear is one of these organ systems. The semi-circular canals and the vestibule are two parts of the inner ear that function primarily to detect the speed, direction and degree of movement of the head. In normal movement there is constant information being sent to the brain along with messages from the eyes and muscles to report the body’s position in space. It is the job of the brain to synthesize this information to give you a sense of balance.

Balance is very complex; dizziness can result when misinformation is sent from any of the three balance organ systems or from the brain’s inability to correctly process the information. Dizziness, therefore, is a symptom – not an illness in itself. There are many illnesses of the inner ear which can cause misinformation to be sent to the brain. Inner ear infections, injury, over-accumulation of inner ear fluids and tumors are common inner ear causes of dizziness. In addition, non-ear related problems, such as high blood pressure, blood sugar problems, nerve disorders (e.g. multiple sclerosis), stress and fatigue, can also cause similar feelings of dizziness.

Because the balance system is so complex and there are many causes of dizziness, we are trained to identify key symptoms and to evaluate your inner ear with a number of diagnostic tests. Sometimes the help of other doctors such as a Neurologist may be necessary. Often, when the cause is the inner ear, we can provide medicine, therapy or surgery to resolve the problem. In any event, we are ready to help you receive any treatment you may need to get better.


Hearing Aids

Our Audiology team specializes in custom fitting hearing aids to meet each patient’s specific needs. We offer a full array of hearing aid choices with the latest advancements in technology from a variety of manufacturers including Starkey, Phonak, ReSound, Oticon, Widex and Signia. We offer on-site service for minor repairs and we work directly with your manufacturer when a more extensive repair is necessary. We are a full-service hearing aid dealer and we look forward to helping you achieve your best hearing yet!

We work with most insurances and several third parties but also offer cash pay pricing as well. We offer hearing aid packages that cover the cost of your custom hearing aids and batteries as well as services (including programmings, adjustments, cleanings, repairs as well as loss and damage replacement!) for the life of your warranty.

In addition to hearing aids, we also offer:

  • Hearing Aid Evaluations
  • Hearing Aid supplies (batteries, wax guards, ear buds, etc.)
  • Hearing Services (programming, repair, replacement, cleanings)
  • Custom Ear Protection for noise and water
  • Pro Plugs
  • Ear Bandits
  • Sound Gear (custom ear protection for hunters)
  • Wax plugs

Click here to Learn How to Find the Right Hearing Aid for You



From infants to young adults, our specialists have the expertise to help your child with health issues regarding the ears, nose, throat, head and neck. Many common ENT childhood concerns include tongue-tie, ear infections, hearing concerns, sore throats, chronic congestion, and foreign objects in the ear or nose. Our physicians (and staff!) are GREAT with kids, creating a warm, comfortable atmosphere to help easy any anxiety about “going to the doctor’s.”

Be sure to check out our Sticker Drawer when you visit!

Does your kiddo need their tonsils removed? Check out this site for more info: www.mytonsils.com


Cosmetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Did you know that Otolaryngologists can receive up to 15 years of college and post-graduate training in plastic surgery, concentrating on procedures that reconstruct the elements of the face? Because they study the complex anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the entire head and neck, our surgeons are uniquely qualified to perform the procedures that affect the whole face.

Our surgeons provide the following cosmetic services:

Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty – Surgery of the external and internal nose in which cartilage and bone are restructured and reshaped to improve the appearance and function of the nose.

Otoplasty – Surgery to reshape the cartilage of the ears so they protrude less.

Ear Lobe Repair – Surgery to help reconstruct the lobe of the ear due to damage from an earring or gauge.



Have you ever had a cold or allergy attack that wouldn’t go away? If so, there’s a good chance you actually had sinusitis. Experts estimate that 37 million people are afflicted with sinusitis each year, making it one of the most common health conditions in America. That number may be significantly higher, since the symptoms of bacterial sinusitis often mimic those of colds or allergies, and many sufferers never see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. In addition to traditional medical management and sinus surgery, we also offer in-office balloon sinuplasty. Check out our Advanced Treatments page to learn more about other minimally invasive procedures, many that can be done in the office, that we offer.


Sleep Disorders

Our team can help diagnose the cause of your sleep disorder. An examination will reveal if your Obstructive Sleep Apnea or snoring is caused by nasal allergy, infection, deformity, or tonsils and adenoids. There are many new treatment options available to manage these conditions.